Eating Disorder Therapies
Let our Eating Disorder specialist help you reclaim your life and work toward balance, change and recovery with our evidence-based Eating Disorder Therapy.
We want to support you in making this critical change today. We provide specialized, evidence-based eating disorder therapy. Eating Disorders can be all-consuming, frustrating and lonely. At Upper East Side Psychology, we understand the challenges faced when recovering from an eating disorder and we help you on your path toward reclaiming your life and moving toward recovery.
Individual Eating Disorder Treatment: CBT-E
Enhanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT-E) is an evidence-based treatment of Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. We utilize CBT-E to help patients reclaim their lives by aiding them in developing an understanding of the maladaptive thoughts, feelings and behaviors that maintain their ED. We work collaboratively with the patient to help them identify problematic patterns, modify them, and identify and implement coping skills and tools. This approach is tailored to the needs and stressors of the patient and the different aspects that are maintaining the ED. CBT-E is meant to teach the patient how to develop ways to modify maladaptive and inaccurate styles of thinking, adjust problematic behaviors and tolerate challenging emotions and situations so that long-term coping skills and balance can be achieved. This treatment requires the completion of “homework” between sessions.

Family Therapy: MFBT
We provide Maudsley Family-Based Treatment, which is a treatment that utilizes the parents as a key resource for aiding their child or adolescent toward recovery from anorexia nervosa and is often viewed as an alternative to hospitalization or facility-based care. Here the clinician empowers the parents to take the lead and help refeed their child and understand the problems that have contributed to the development of the ED.